Top 8 Must-See Socotran Plants
Looking forward to photogenic sights in Socotra Island? The flora is the island’s most admirable feature - learn all about Socotran Plants you should see!

Did you know that there are over 250 species of plants that do not exist anywhere else in the world? All the more reason to set out on one of the Socotra adventure tours offered by the local travel guides—as you will appreciate the ethereal beauty this island has to offer. And if you are on the island for a little time and want to see as many unique plants as possible, we’ve got the perfect guide for you!
Socotran Plants: Unveiling the Most Fascinating Flora on the Island
Why make some time to view plants in Socotra Island? For one, the natural beauty of the Socotra is its main attraction. From exquisite hills with alien-like trees to velvety white sand beaches in Socotra you must visit at least once, the island is a haven for those who love a good dose of nature in their adventure vacations.
If you’re in for a bespoke adventure into the world of Socotran plants, here are the top 10 must-see Socotran plants for you to add to your checklist.
1. Dragon’s Blood Tree (Dracaena Cinnabari)
If you've come across pictures of Socotra Island as you prepare for your island adventure, you’ve definitely seen strange trees, with umbrella-shaped canopies. These are none other than the renowned Dragon’s Blood Trees, the unique natural sights in Socotra that likely make up a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The ‘blood’ in the name comes from the red sap (once believed to be Dragon blood!), which has amazing medicinal properties.
If you want truly magnificent photographs of Dragon’s Blood trees, do add the Diksam Plateau to your itinerary. The high limestone grounds have the densest concentration of these endemic Socotran plants.
2. Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos Socotranus)
You can’t talk about the diversity of plants in Socotra Island and not mention Cucumber Trees native to the island! These are immensely remarkable for a couple of reasons:
· The bottle-shaped trunk not only serves a strange aesthetic purpose but is also a robust formation that stores water.
· These trees actually grow cucumbers—and are the only ‘trees’ to do so, as cucumbers naturally grow on low-rise plants.
Cucumber trees also play a crucial role in the diet of both people and animals in Socotra, especially goats. The source of nourishment despite the hot, desert climate makes cucumber trees an essential part of Socotra Island’s ecosystem.
3. Socotran Fig (Dorstenia Gigas)
Another type of Socotran plant you need to see is the Socotran Fig Tree, known for its large, fleshy leaves. Like the Socotran cucumber tree, the fig trees also have a distinctive bottle shape, with a twisted trunk that seems to rise directly from the rocks.
The rocky environment of the Socotran Fig Tree shields young seedlings from herbivores, thus promoting development. The plant’s unique bottle-like structure helps it store nutrition and thus thrive in poor soil.
4. Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum Sokotranum)
Once again, the bottle-like trees of Socotra are the next flora on your checklist—only this time with the beautiful pink flower atop the otherworldly structures!
The Desert Rose trees bring vibrant colors to the landscapes of Socotra, creating a breathtaking display when they bloom. More importantly, these trees have adapted to the arid climate of the island, the sturdy trunks acting as reservoirs. Also, these gorgeous Socotran plants support the ecological balance, offering both shelter and water to various insects and microorganisms.
5. Socotra Frankincense (Boswellia Socotrana)
Socotra is home to a large array of Frankincense trees, but the Boswellia Socotrana is the only endemic Frankincense type. The resin from this tree was once a treasured part of the island because of its aromatic qualities. The plant was useful for medicinal practices, cosmetics, incense, and even culinary dishes.
If you want to experience an abundance of Frankincense Trees when you visit Socotra, head to the Homhil protected area. Not only is this popular site a must-see part of a fulfilling Socotra travel guide due to one of the most gorgeous infinity pools, but also a place where you can appreciate lush greenery.
6. Socotra Pomegranate (Punica Protopunica)
Belonging to the Lytheaceae family of plants, the vibrant and tall Socotran Pomegranate trees are a nice and traditional sight. Yet, these may be somewhat strange given the alien-like trees you’ll usually find on Socotra!
The fruit from Socotra Pomegranate trees does not resemble the red pomegranates you'll find elsewhere. The orange pomegranates are slightly bitter and are used more often for topical healing and other medicinal purposes than eating.
These must-see Socotran plants grow along the walls of the island's northeastern side. The vertical cliffs serve as necessary shade to help these trees grow healthy.
7. Socotra Acacia (Acacia Pennivenia)
Another type of must-see Socotran plant is the Socotran Acacia. The acacia plant on the island is a part of the Fabaceae family, and a legume that does well mainly in desert or dry shrubland environments. Thus, it’s spread well across even the driest regions of the island and you’ll come this in a shrub or tree form all over the place.
Best of all, while common on the island, this native plant is not one you’ll come across on any other island adventure in any other part of the world!
8. Socotran Aloe (Aloe Perryi)
Aloe plant species are common in parts of the world with arid climates—the Socotra archipelago being no exception. The Socotran Aloe is exceptional in appearance as it has a blue-green hue, unlike the traditional dark green shades. The most-exposed parts of the plant are reddish in color, while the flowers are reddish-orange color with yellow tips.
The aloe juice from the Socotran Aloe variety is pretty bitter, so don't go for a taste test! The pulp is however quite beneficial for the skin and has a ton of other pharmaceutical and medicinal advantages as well.
Take a Plant-Filled Adventure with Socotra Specialty Tours
You can count on our local, expert guide to point out and tell you all about the world of flora that set Socotra Island apart from any other place in the world. Book a tour today by calling us at +971 50 850 4432 or leaving a message on the website. You can also talk to us about planning a nature-filled itinerary for Socotra. We’re happy to help!